Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Monday morning, erm actually it's Tuesday

Good morning peeps.
I am a bit confused about it being Tuesday as it definitely feels like a Monday, those pesky bank hols, I'm sure they are just there to throw out my body clock. This morning I was so unprepared for the day I didn't have any milk for cereal and Eva's pink milk, so I had to drive to the shop (which I hate doing as at 8.15am it takes forever, in fact I should have walked) I was feeling a bit stressed out about my early morning shopping trip but I actually managed to get most of my supplies for the week, including a cheese straw for my breakfast, which I have now eaten and it has certainly lifted my mood. So if it proceeds to rain all week as forecast I can now hermitise myself. I actually quite enjoy sewing in my cosy little work room when it's chucking it down outside.

The more observant of you will have noticed that I have changed my blog design. I just thought as I am making a lot of florally Jubilee themed products right now I ought to embrace the moment and signpost these makes. All of my items are available through my shop, if you have an aversion to red, white and blue, or you would like the design to fit with your own colour scheme I can make you a bespoke version, just email me. Here are some shots of my bunting in alternate colour schemes.

The new background image on my blog is a recent shot of my fabric stash and some vintage buttons. Its looks quite neat in the photo but I am preparing for a craft fair during the next two weeks, so I doubt it will remain in neat little bundles for long! I might photograph it next Friday just to see how it compares!

Hope you have a fabulous week!


Claire Wilson said...

Love the variety of bunting! Here's hoping the weather picks up and they can be displayed outside somwehere sunny :-)

scrappymo! said...

The green and navy is striking...but I love all of them!